Beware: The platform is currently on hold. Hardly any bookings are happening on it.
Fairhospitality supports local projects through commission on local bookings on the platform and through distribution of cooperative profits. This social-ecological local project support is currently still mainly at the regional level. But once sales, and thus our impact, begin to increase, we count on being able to operate much more locally.
We are currently supporting the following projects
- Forest for all
- Everyone deserves a vacation
- Samenhuizen VZW
- Brussels Donut
- On congé in the Meetjesland
Forest for all

In sign of climate, environment and biodiversity, more forest in our regions is crucial.
Natuurpunt, the largest nature association in Flanders, is therefore trying to make more funds available for additional forest through a variety of actions.
Hence their action‘Forest for All‘
Year after year, Natuurpunt strives for more forest in Flanders. We are going for robust forests bursting with life: plants, insects, birds and mammals. Biodiversity is our top priority, but of course forests are also vital for oxygen, CO2 storage and cooling and for our own well-being. In forests we find relaxation and peace.
We plant forests with 3 forest guarantees:
1) cleverly planted with the right mix of native trees
2) well managed by our thousands of volunteers
3) protected in perpetuity because we buy the land
Preferably, we expand existing forest cores. Thus we will have large contiguous forests in which it is wonderful for humans and animals. Some pieces we let grow back spontaneously.
Everyone deserves a vacation
This solidarity fund makes a day trip or vacation a reality for the most vulnerable families and people in poverty. Also donate a little vacation to people who otherwise could never take a vacation.
Everyone deserves a vacation. Even people in the most vulnerable situations, for whom the threshold is still too great, despite discounted rates. The Vacation For All fund raises money to make a day trip or vacation possible for this group. Thanks to your contribution, someone in poverty can get away from it all.
Click here for more info.

Samenhuizen VZW
Mission of Samenhuizen VZW is to raise awareness, inform, encourage and advise on all kinds of communal living.

Samenhuizen vzw is active throughout Flanders and the Brussels Capital Region.
Our mission is to sensitize, inform, encourage and advise on all kinds of communal living.
Our target audience is diverse:
individuals who have a communal living wish, local authorities who want to make a site available, start-up initiatives looking for co-residents, professionals (architects, notaries, …) who want to help build more communal living, …
Samenhuizen vzw is a platform and network organization, recognized as a socio-cultural movement. we connect people according to their aspirations and needs in the field of communal living.
Samenhuizen wants to encourage communal living because added value can be created in several areas: social, ecological, spatial, economic,…
More info here.
Brussels Donut

The Brussels Donut project aims to infuse the philosophy of the donut economy into political, economic and cultural life through networking, workshops and coaching.
In the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, Brussels residents are particularly concerned about the satisfaction of social needs and the quality of the environment. Isn’t it time to pay more attention to those elements? At least that is what the donut represents. The donut concept vividly represents the social lower boundary and the ecological upper boundary, delineating the just and safe space within which we must move today.
As the global and Belgian donuts demonstrate, we are not there yet: there is still a long way to go. However, that path is a source of optimism and creativity for building societies that meet the needs of all people without exceeding the carrying capacity of the planet. To walk it successfully, all actors must participate in all their diversity. Our region must work together with its businesses, associations and citizens, with all those who live and build it every day. With the donut as a common compass, everyone can set course toward the end goal, balanced prosperity.
For more info, see here.
On congé in the Meetjesland

Our first local project. Chosen by the people of measuring land. Now hope many tourists come through to support that wonderful project.
Op congé in the Meetjesland Vzw Wijkcentrum De Kring has been organizing surprise walks with vulnerable, often lonely people twice a month since the corona crisis. Recently, the association went one step further and also offers its own customized vacation offerings.
An association where the poor have their say,” is how the non-profit organization nicely sums up its own operation.
The association supports people in their basic needs. In doing so, everyone is welcome, but a particular focus is on people with mental, physical, financial or social vulnerabilities.
During the fortnightly surprise walks, familiar and less familiar pieces of
nature are discovered, but above all, space is created for good conversation. The walks
made it painfully clear that a lot of people experience barriers – not just financial ones – to getting out and about on their own. The enlightening walks gave rise to a new initiative: Op congé in het Meetjesland.
The project supports people in their right to vacation. A weekend or vacation in group
is preceded by a preparatory process, for example the elaboration of a vacation plan. In the coming years, the project plans to develop weekends/trips for vulnerable visitors. Because everyone wants to get away from it all sometimes, and the travel destination may well be in your backyard.