Fairbnb.coop the best buy
Fairbnb.coop the best buy

Fairbnb.coop the best buy

Do you know that Fairbnb.coop is much cheaper than Airbnb?

It’s about the difference between the money you get as a landlord and the price the guest pays. This is the committee. Some systems are very opaque to the guest; others are completely open.

With Booking.com, the guest sees nothing about the commission paid. Booking sends the host an invoice based on the amount paid by the guest and the settings. As a guest, you don’t know what the host has to pay for the service received from Booking.com. But the landlord receives a 13% bill, meaning he pays 15% of what he earns to the platform.

With Airbnb, it’s even more complicated. The landlord pays a certain percentage (3% to 4%), but the guest pays 15% or more on top (in most cases). In this case, it is not at all clear to the guest who earns what and where the money goes. Nor is it clear to the landlord how much the guest is paying.

At Fairbnb.coop, this is very transparent. Landlord earns the money he asked for in the system, and guest pays 15% on top of that. Always the same, no surprises.

Indeed, if the guest is a Fair Club member, they pay even less than 15% on top of the landlord’s earnings.

Take in the impact on local communities then Fairbnb.coop is by far the best buy.

So see here the differences in a table (verified with different listings in Belgium)

From the guest’s perspective

Customer paysHost Holds overPlatform earnsCommunity earns
Booking.com€ 100,00€ 87,00€ 13,00€ 0,00
Airbnb.com€ 100,00€ 84,47€ 15,53€ 0,00
Fairbnb.coop€ 100,00€ 86,96€ 6,52€ 6,52

Want to travel fair and sustainable for the same price ? Go to booking.fairbnb.coop/en and book your lodging there. Don’t find anything (yet) on that platform ? Then feel free to book elsewhere, but talk to your host about it: fairbnb.coop the best buy.

From the perspective of the host

Host earnsCustomer paysPlatform earnsCommunity earns
Booking.com€ 100,00€ 114,94€ 14,94€ 0,00
Airbnb.com€ 100,00€ 119,09€ 19,09€ 0,00
Fairbnb.coop€ 100,00€ 115,00€ 7,50€ 7,50

If you are a host and can subscribe to our charter, click through to booking.fairbnb.coop/en and publish your lodging there.

Remember then: the price you enter there is what you will earn yourself. The client pays 15% more, all very transparent to Host, Guest and local community.

Host wants to earnPrice to be entered on the platform
Booking.com€ 100,00€ 114,94
Airbnb.com€ 100,00€ 103,00
Fairbnb.coop€ 100,00€ 100,00